Monday, July 25, 2011


Ahhh, I always forget how much there is to do for this this class, and it's going by in a flash and summer is melting away. Today was some new vocabulary and short form in Japanese. Something which my brain wanted to turn into te-form at certain points today.

Present Affirm:
                              Long:              Short:
verbs:                   よみます      よむ
い-adjectives     かわいです  かわい
な-adjectives     しずかです   しずかだ
noun+です(だ)  がくせいです   がくせいだ

Present Negative:
                          Long:                               Short:
verbs:               よみません                   よまない
い-adjectives    かわいくありません      かわいくない
な-adjectives    しずかじゃありません   しずじゃない
noun+です       がくせいじゃありません   がくせいじゃない                                                                                      

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