Thursday, July 14, 2011


I think the most fun thing we did today was the conjugation of new grammar using the -form.
1.)    Making a request for an action - ~てください。

2.)    Asking and giving permission - ~てもいいですか・~てもいいです。

3.)    Expressing something that is forbidden - ~てはいけません。
The most challenging thing today was two-fold. That is, remembering the vocabulary and then knowing how to transform into -form. -verbs generally use the ちいさい ・つ. -verbs make life easy, just dropping the . And the irregulars just need to be memorized. The only way to get over it, べんきょうする.
We did three new Kanji today too – ガケ、ガイ、コク。(not the actual Kanji).

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