Tuesday, July 19, 2011


           Today we had some challenging new grammar, but thankfully I was able to pick-up on it a little better towards the end of class. The practice in-class was extremely helpful too. ベッツィー先生 is correct in that nouns are probably easier to remember since you can actually place an object with the word, I found that trying to remember some of the verbs (alot of the verbs actually) on the fly is my greatest weakness, before particles. In my mind the only particles in existence are は,と,を.
I am beginning to realize also that sometimes it would be easier to just use straight-up Kanji rather than hiragana as far as correct spelling is concerned, even though Kanji can get pretty complex. An example would be for man and woman. The words are long when written in Hiragana and there are many places for spelling errors, but with Kanji there are really only a few characters to remember.

Some new grammar points for today and on tomorrow’s quiz…

~てる ~ています ~ていますした ~ていません ~ていませんでした

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